Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Do Everything For Him

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17

I read an article in the Oklahoman about Ryan Broyles (you can read the article by Jenni Carlson here: If you don’t know him, Ryan is the starting wide receiver at the University of Oklahoma. He is a star player, but this article wasn’t about his expectations for the upcoming season, not really. It was about his relationship with Christ.

In the article Ryan mentions a verse that has shaped his work ethic: Colossians 3:17. While reading about his passion for Christ, and especially this verse, I was convicted. I felt the question in my soul, “What in my life reflects this passion?”
If I’ talking about Christ my passion shows. When I study His Word or sing His praises, my faith sparkles, but now that school has started how often do my classmates and professors get to see this passion? Sure, I’m writing a Christian blog, but only those who read it will hopefully see my fire.
So, how do I live this passion? I found the answer in Colossians 3:17. I have to do everything for the Lord. It sounds easy, but already I’m intimidated. I know I can’t just claim it, I have to do it. I must picture Christ as my professor, my boss, and even my husband.
How often do I wait until the last minute to write a paper? How often do I not read assigned pages? How often do I take five minutes to check my email at work? If I truly did all things for Christ I would never do any of these things. I have to purposefully do everything for Him.
I can easily see danger in this. If I allow it living Colossians 3:17 could be a slippery slope into the dungeon of perfectionism. I take comfort in that God knows me. Psalm 39:1 says that God has “examined my heart and knows everything about me.” Psalm 39:13 says He made me the way I am. He doesn’t just know my weaknesses (that I tend to procrastinate, that I am not the smartest student in the world, that I am not the best writer in the world), he created these weaknesses.
I don’t want to do everything perfectly…well, I do, but I know that is impossible. I just want to do everything the best I can. For me that means I won’t procrastinate when it comes to school. I will be more dedicated while I’m at work. I will write in my blog more than once a week. Most importantly, I will dedicate my day to God by setting time apart for Him. 
I am excited to see what God can do with my life when it is completely dedicated to Him.

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